Wow! Recovery is hard work. Exhausting in fact. The daily and then weekly milestones have stopped. I am now at the point that I am realizing every 2-3 weeks the little changes. I have seen Dr. Glazer and he has approved my returning to work part-time on November 1 with a full-time return slated for the New Year. I am very grateful that my employers have held my job for me. VERY grateful.
I feel pretty good. I still have neuropathy in my right leg and foot. I now experience some very painful sensations on occassion. I'm not certain if that is good news or bad news. I prefer to think that it is good! I still experience some lumbar discomfort but usually a change of position or laying down for a bit helps greatly. I have found that keeping up with a walking regimine is what makes me feel best. But I HATE to exercise. I HATE to sweat. But my back does feel better for it. I have also found that using shoe inserts has helped my knee's a little bit. I'll take anything I can get.