To all:
Many of you may not know this about me - but I've always enjoyed writing. I'm not sure that I am "journalist" material, or "author" material, however I have been told over and over again thru the years, that I have a gift with the written word. One day recently, I was revealing this desire to write to my children, Erica and Ben. Suddenly, Ben said, "So, tell your spine story and begin with a blog -as a start- and see if you like writing?". Hmmm.....and the notion started swirling in my head. ....
As many of you DO know, I have been out of work on a medical leave for the past several weeks due to a bilateral knee arthroscopy. This surgery took a whole new turn when I ended up having multiple procedures on my knees instead of a simple one in each! It was only after the surgery when I was told the extent of the work done and realized that I was going to be out of work MUCH longer than I had ever expected!! Many of you also know that this surgery is very much like "Step #2" in a medical "sequence" that I have had to endure in preparation for a HUGE spinal surgery I am anticipating in the very near future.
A lot of you are also very knowledgeable regarding my spinal saga and yet many of you hardly know much about it at all. So, I've decided to start at the beginning, for the benefit of those that would like to walk with me on my journey, so that you can follow along - really understanding how I have come to this point in my life. So here goes....I really would love it if you joined me!!!
Love, Valerie
PS - As my daughter Erica has pointed out, I'm terrible with punctuation and this blog doesn't have spell check either! So please forgive all my errors - I admit I am not a professional writer! My goal is really to just tell my story - for me and you!