Walking into my house was a joyful moment. For all of you that know me well, I am a homebody, and there is no where I'd rather be than be at home. The car ride home was not only uncomfortable, but I was filled with excitement to just be here. Bob and I had a little lunch and off came the brace for me to lay down. Ben came home from school and then Erica a little while later. My sister Ursula came by, the phone was ringing off the wall and I was tired. Although I was apprehensive to be without any nursing care for the first time in a long time, and almost overwhelmed, I fell asleep and slept the whole night through. Bliss.
I came home from the Rehab using a walker and I had borrowed an adjustable bed from my friend Glenda and we made our study into "Mom's room"! It's peaceful and quiet and allows for good sleep. My dear friend Sherry organized yet another cleaning frenzy, calling in all of my family and friends, including Diane and Jill, Robin, Glenda, Dee, and Ursula did practically nothing but clean for me. I've never had such a clean bathroom. Plus, she was here every day. Sherry came the Friday night when I came home and basically never missed a Friday night until Ben's graduation!! Then resumed again. She called and checked on me. I have a couple of friends who were my constant sources of healing. And my kids? Oh dear, they give me reason to live.
I went for my first post-op visit on June 3 @ 11 AM. I had "downgraded" from the walker to a cane by now. I didn't like the feel of the cane, so I often would experiement with using neither the walker or the cane. Unfortunately, I did still had to rely on the the walker if I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night because of the severe leg weakness. My sister Ursula brought me. First, we met with a sweet young gal by the name of Nikki who is the sales rep for the Bone Stimulator that Dr. Glazer requested that I use. I already knew how to use it as I used it two years ago when I had my cervical fusion. The sweet part of this story is that I have been having a phone "friendship" with this young woman regarding my old stimulator for over a year now. She was fully aware that I was going ahead with my spinal revision in March. Sometime between surgery #2 and surgery #3, Nikki made an unannounced visit and I was so touched by that. She made a point of telling me that she doesn't make it a practice to visit her clients patients, but she felt like a friend!! Isn't that sweet? The bad part of the story?? I only remember that she came, I couldn't tell ANY of the conversation. Of course, I just don't remember! Big shock, huh?
So after talking with Nikki, I had arranged to me with the "brace man"!!! Ha! Ha! The brace was no longer fitting me correctly as I had lost weight through the surgeries and it was now too big. So he re-adjusted it and cut off the extra Velcro from the tabs and also taught me how to put it on myself - because up until this pint, I was reliant on others to do so. He was a nice guy - although I can't remember his name. His partner was Bob, who had originally fitted me, but I just can't remember this guy's name. Oh well.
Then on to Jeff, Dr. Glazer's PA. I threw out all of my questions and he answered a few, but then as always, replied to many with, "We better wait and ask the Big Guy!". Then Dr. Glazer came in and he seemed so happy to see his remarkable results. The visit went well and everything looked good. He said Icould ditch the walker and the cane and try it on my own. I asked, "How often and much should I be walking?" and in typical fashion, Dr. Glazer replied, "When your tired, STOP! If it hurts, STOP!". Okay, then! Hallelujah! I was now about one month post-op from my third surgery. I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I was still scared. Scared of the "what if's". What if the fusion doesn't take? What if a screw moves? What if one of the new rod's shifts? What if the neuropathy in my right lower extremity doesn't go away? What if my sciatica worsens? What if this doesn't end up a success story? What if, what if, what if?? I can drive myself crazy with what if!!!!
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