Monday, March 15, 2010

The Big Day is Here!

Well, I do apologize as I never did post after the last time on Thursday. Somehow, the time just escaped me and now it is about 1:30 AM on "the" BIG DAY! I've decided to give up on the sleep possibility since I needed to rise at 3AM anyway! I'll have to catnap on the way to Boston or just take solace in knowing that I'll be "sleeping" alot in the next 2 days! I am telling you, there is a HUGE amount of planning and preparation into these kinds of surgeries!! Yikes, I'm exhausted. I have just a couple of things left to do on my "to-do" list and then I guess I'll shower again and just be ready to leave. I say shower "again" as I was given strict instruction that I had to shower with a special antibiotic soap. So I had to go to the pharmacy to get it and the instructions were that I was to shower on Sunday evening with this soap and then again on Monday morning before I left for Boston. You put it on, wait 3 minutes, put it on again, and wait another 3 minutes, then rinse - all the while not letting the water touch your skin. No lotions or powders afterwards. Do you know how darn cold it gets while you wait for 3 minutes to pass? I was freezing. And now I have to do it again in about an hour or so!! Ugh! I don't know why I'm complaining, I suppose it's a piece of cake compared to what I'm going to have to go through in the next few months.

Seriously, because I do have a couple of things left to do, I must sign off so I don't leave the house with them undone. All of you that know me well know that I can be a "bit" of a control freak!! I wouldn't feel okay about things if I left without doing everything that I wanted to do. I did wake up apprehensive today and a little scared. Please know that I am NOT scared of the surgeries' per se, more what will come after. I have every bit of faith in my surgeon and I also know that it is all in God's hands anyway. I feel pretty confident about that aspect, the recovery? Well, that's the part that has me a little wobbly! But I'm strong, I'm healthy and I'll probably be fine and with any luck, I'll be blogging again in no time, and you'll see (or should I say read) it for yourselves.

I went to Mass today and had my St. Gemma medal blessed and received an Anointing of the Sick. That is how I started my day and it felt very good. My dear sweet friend and neighbor sent me positive energy through Reiki. She has been doing Reiki on me for years, originally starting due to my back pain. She has been with me all the way, so supportive and so giving of herself. I love her dearly too. I can't believe that so many are doing such beautiful and selfless things for me. I called my other neighbors Tom and Trish over some ridiculous anxiety attack over iPods and MP3 players. They are both so patient and kind as well. Poor Tom, I am forever pestering him about computer problems. But that is the price he has to pay for being THE "geek squad" of our street since he is a technology "master". I couldn't even OWN a computer without him!! My Aunt Mary was sweet enough to help me do some menial paperwork yesterday, as I walked in her house with an armful of paper and even helped me reorganize my "to-do" list to a more reasonable existence! I've touched base, even if just for a few minutes this weekend with my closest friends, whether it be in person or on the phone. That was heart-warming too. I talked to my Dad yesterday and I know he hates that I have to go through this. I really do feel the support and love of so many. It is an out of space sort of feeling that I have been having for the past couple of days. A whirlwind. A complete whirlwind. But in less than 6 hours, I'll be "resting" and Dr. Glazer can do the worrying and the work, with God and the angels (my mother being one of them!) watching over him giving him the strength, courage and determination to straighten my spine. Then God and those same angels, with the prayers of all of you will then give ME the same strength, courage and determination to heal and endure the recovery that lies ahead. Till I can blog again, good night by dear, dear family and friends. I will blog again as soon as I possibly can. I am already anxious for that day. Please continue to read - it means the world to me.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Val...
    One down one more to go! I know it must be hard to switch gears on the surgery dates, but everything happens for a reason (which we always say). Stay positive, heal your body, and get stronger, so your next recovery will go even better!
    Luv ya,
